Thursday, July 18, 2013

【权利:4651】 我茉莉花期间被绑架酷刑关押的经历(英语翻译在后面,未译完)


我出来了,但所有东西,身份证、护照、港澳通行证、银行卡、手机、电脑被收走,没有给任何手续,也没让我回北京租住屋,里面的一切东西都没带出。在北京山 里被转移了四个地方,受到电击等酷刑,又转往北京市第一看守所(不告诉看守所我的姓名籍贯,只给了个代号2-2011-2,说是保密案件,),关押了12 天后,又转往武汉市第一看守所,然后他们让我父亲签字做保人取保候审,期限一年,要我先住在父母家,不准离开随州(出生地,父母居住地)、襄樊(户籍所在 地),不准联系维权界朋友,不然就追究我父亲的刑事责任。交待村干部和党员、邻居监视我,每天由村干部向国保汇报我的情况。下面是我写的被绑经过。因没电 脑了,我在网吧不敢写多,将分段写下。 
说完我就排队准备坐公交车。约五分钟后,到了车前,我正准备从站台下到路上好上车时,左边一个高个子挤我,我说别挤,排队啊,他挤不动我,这时右边一个高个也拉我,我还奇怪,问拉什么,这时右边冲上来一群人拉我,同时左边的那人也在挤我,我就明白了,当时很多人都惊讶的看着我们,我以为只是为了防止我去王府井,就说,别拉,我跟你们走就是了。说完往他们拉的方向走,看到一辆黑色无牌照和越野车,这时他们开始殴打我的脸,并有人取下了我的眼镜,我当时还将他们想得太善良,说“我不是说了跟你们走吗,别打”,并继续跟他们走,这时一个约一米七左右的人掀起他的外套往我头上套,估2 月27日早上6:47,北京西客站,我从武汉到北京的火车上出来,经过一夜的长途旅行,早餐还没吃。因为才农历正月十八,进京的人员很多,我本来二十号就 在武汉买票,但被告知最早的卧铺票只有26日晚的,而且还是上铺。下车后人多,好不容易看到北出口,已经离七点只有几分钟了,下台阶时,有一个子不高的年 轻人拿着相机举得高高的拍摄,明显不是拍他附近的已经到了台阶下层的人,而是对着刚到台阶最上层的我,我就注意上他了。当我下了台阶走过他后,他又快跑到 我前面继续拍摄,我就肯定是针对我的。我就边上另一个很短的台阶,边发推特消息,当时手机信号已经不畅,发了好多次推也不知道是否发出去了。同时我注意到 一个个子不高,大概不到一米七的样子,瘦瘦的,留着络腮胡子,下巴前翘,穿蓝色羽绒服的人在跟踪我,出门后发现天下着小雪,我在出站后拍了这个跟踪者的照 片,但无法发送出去,随后我发现他和那个拍照者是一伙的,就尝试发没有他照片的文字,但一直显示发送失败,但上天保佑,我出来后发现那两条推特消息已经发 出去了。
随 后我就到西客站前的公交站牌处准备坐车回五道口我的住处,但因为我钥匙因去香港及回大陆后滞留了一大段时间而找不到了,但我留有备用钥匙在五道口一个因爬 山认识的教师处,就打电话问他是否在家,并说了被人跟踪的事,当时我认为没事,以为他们跟踪是为了防止我去王府井,就告诉该教师说没事,并说我先去他家, 他告诉我他下午才有时间,我就说那我先找个地方待着等他。
说 完我就排队准备坐公交车。约五分钟后,到了车前,我正准备从广场下到马路上好上车时,左边一个高个子挤我,我说别挤,排队啊,他挤不动我,这时右边一个高 个也拉我,我还奇怪,问拉什么,这时右边冲上来一群人拉我,同时左边的那人也在挤我,我就明白了,当时很多人都惊讶的看着我们,我以为只是为了防止我去王 府井,就说,别拉,我跟你们走就是了。说完往他们拉的方向走,看到一辆黑色无牌照和越野车,这时他们开始殴打我的脸,并有人取下了我的眼镜,我当时还将他 们想得太善良,说“我不是说了跟你们走吗,别打”,并继续跟他们走,这时一个约一米七左右的人掀起他的外套往我头上套,估计是怕被别的乘客或路人拍照,并 抱着我的头往车那边走,我说我自己上车,你别推,但他在我一条腿跨上车时,却整个身体往我头上压,我上半身就趴在了车板上,他也倒在车板上,我说我自己上 去,但他们很多人却按着我往上推,我自己起来后上了车,坐在后座上,那个把我扑倒在车上的人又挥拳打我的眼睛和嘴,我抓住他的拳头说,别打了。他说妈的个 逼的,打的就是你,并又想把拳头往我脸上打,但因为被我抓住动不了,这时一个头目样的人拿着手铐铐上我抓住他拳头的右手胳膊并说算了,我以为他们真算了, 就松开了手,他们把我右胳膊反别到背后,并铐上了另一支胳膊,并套上一个黑头套,这次头套是双层的,外层是布的,内层是厚实的胶袋,不透气。这时先前打我 的人又挥拳朝我脸上打,虽然对我造成不了伤害,我却觉得这人太恶劣了,就说,别打了,你还能打死我啊?他说,就是打死你丫的又怎么样,说着继续打,我说那 你就继续打吧,他打了几下后看我没有叫喊,估计觉得没意思,就开始解我身上的包,因为铐着手铐,取不下来,就把包带卸了下来,后来我的电脑包没还我,但却 发现把包带子扔到我从北京市第一看守所带出来的一个袋子里了,而且带子的铁扣都被老虎虑钳剪断了,不知道他们为什么把它剪断(后来想起来了,是他们不知道 怎么解开电脑包的背带扣子,就剪断了)。
到 一个地方后,他们让我下车,然后把我架得腰弯成九十度的样子经过一个九级台阶,拖到了一个平台上,估计是宾馆门前的地方,地上铺着紫红色的地板砖,可能是 大理石的。然后进了一个门,经过大厅,又上了十一级台阶,然后转角上了十二级台阶,很像刘沙沙描述的她在人大东门被绑架那次被带到的地方。然后向左转,走 了几米,进了一个门。他们把我拖进去后,让我跪下,我没理他们,就上来一群人按我,踢我腿打我全身各处,当时我还被套着头,看不到是哪些人在打我,但我能 听到那个扑倒我的一米七左右的人的声音,他们无法将我按跪后,就有一个人命令其他人“把他抓紧,按紧!”,然后他就别住我的腿,搂住我脖子,往前摔我,别 的人也都使劲把我往地下推,终于把我推得趴在地上,后面的人踩着我的膝窝和小腿,揪着我头发,拽着我的胳膊,拉着我的衣服,把我上半身往起拉,我一直对抗 着,直到把我腰拉成九十度直角,再往后拉,我的身体就从膝窝处打弯了。他们把我拉成跪姿后,就取掉我头套,那个扑倒我的人就不停地扇我耳光,我问他:“你 们究竟是法西斯还是……”,话还没说完,他就又扇上了,边扇边骂“你妈逼的,敢说我们是法西斯!……”,我说你们这样的行为不是法西斯是什么。
我就倒在地上,铐子勒得我的手很疼,明显感觉肿起来了。(时隔五十多天后,右手神经仍然有些麻痹,还有些骨质增生。)留下了两个人看守我,其中一个踢我叫我 坐起来,我没理他。后来又换了一班,其中一个人看我既不喝水,也不上厕所,也不听他们的坐起来,就对我说,你不要抗,到这儿来的人,还没有一个能打破这儿 的规矩的。
几个小时后,进来一群人,把我拖到靠内间门口面对着房间里的一个桌子,那个在上车时扑倒我的一米七左右的人拿着一个电警棍,竖放在桌子上,然后厉声问我: “为什么到这儿来?”,我说我住北京,准备回到我住的地方去,他又问一遍“为什么到这儿来?”,我说我不是说了嘛,我住在北京,准备回我住处去。他一拍桌 子,吼道“妈逼的!是问你为什么到这个地方来!“同时手朝下指着房内地板。并拿电警棍打开电筒强光照着我,我说,哦,是说到这个房间来啊,我也不知道你们 为什么把我弄这儿来。
他 就喊道“按住他!”然后拿着电警棍正着我额头正中电了两下,然后又蹲在我右边,拿电警棍对着我右脸腮帮子电了两下,看我没反应,又说:咦,他妈的还 挺……,然后可能调高了电压,又朝着腮帮子上的同一地方电了两下,然后换到右脖颈上电,电了很多次,我感觉就像万亿根密集的火烫的钢针扎了进去,然后他又 移动颈椎上电,因为脊椎里全是神经,导电性能非常强,我感觉受到强烈的震动,先是电棍接触点像受到重击一样的,然后这种感觉传导到脊椎中断,然后是尾椎接 触地面的地方,三处的力度几乎没有差别。
然 后又移到左边脖颈,直到把脖子上的皮都电焦了,几乎不能导电了,又移到右脸腮帮子上,随着电击次数的加多,感觉到有一张火热的钢丝网以电棍接触点为中心往 外拉自己的脸,应该是神经网络过电时的感觉。随后他又移到两边耳朵上电,刚开始还只是耳垂有强烈的刺痛感,耳垂皮肤电焦麻痹后,他又改到电右边耳朵眼,两 三下后,就感到从整个右半边脸像有无数钢钎向大脑中心飞速刺入,但只停留在右半脑上,这下我清晰地感觉到了右边脑半球的存在。我想这样可能会电坏我大脑, 就用最大的声音喊叫,希望他们忌讳外面的服务员听到而有所收敛。电我的那个圆脸、黑、稍胖、一米七左右的人,也就是开始上车时扑倒我的人,叫我不准叫,又 电了几下,但我更大声地叫,他对别人说:“他妈的得换个地方整,这儿别人能听到。”

因为老抱着腿实在难受,我又盘腿坐着了,只是得时时刻刻练功。那个叫我坐着的瘦平头跟同伙说“靠,他身体还真壮”。11号夜间,他们又将我转到一个跟前一个有圆圈图案地毯一样布置的宾馆房间,不过听不到拍篮球的声音了。在我的不断要求下,给我吃了五次早餐。3月13日下午, 河南平头男又来了,拿出拘传证、监视居住证明让我签名,我估计要送我去看守所了,进入法律程序对我有利,我就没说什么签了字。当晚又被套上那个袋子拉上车,因袋口拉太紧,行驶了一两个小时到北京市第一看守所取下头套后,我脸上和袋子里全是水,年轻国保甩了半天才将水滴甩完。
他看我没害怕,就又说, 你老家人来接你,回去后别再被人利用了。我没理他。他说你被利用能得到什么呢,大不了一群人在那儿摇旗呐喊“释放德军!”,德军这个称呼,只有朋友们才会喊,我知道是朋友们在外面为我呼吁了,当时很感激朋友们给政府施加的压力。


3.25清晨到汉口火车站,随后带我去体 检,然后将我送进武汉第二看守所,未吃早餐,牛仔裤和羽绒服上的纽扣拉链都被剪坏,人一动,羽绒就到处飞。从25号到29号连续四天,不知是湖北省公安厅 还是武汉市局的一姓朱的胖子及一姓孔的国宝审问我,两人都三四十岁,朱说武汉话,孔说孝感话。姓孔的说我的案子非常大,公安部交给北京市局,然后又交给湖北省厅,然后又交给武汉市局,问我2.20在武汉世纪广场麦当劳拍的两张照片的事,问还有谁和我一起去的,我说没有。然后问问这些年去了哪些地方,见了哪些人,帮了哪些人维权;重点问了我和秦永敏的关系,我说是在推特上看到秦出狱的消息及住址的;然后问了我和姚立法的关系,我说今年正月第一次见面,是向他咨询选举法方面的内容;以及我和武汉的万里见面的情况,我说也是第一次见面:又问我为什么以前不去见他们,问我是不是茉莉花革命的发起人,我说不是。只是以前从北京回去都是经过襄阳没有经过武汉,没机会见。在审问过程中有脏话及暴力恐吓,以及拿我在武汉工作的妹妹威胁,但因为在看守所,没有动手。

我从北京第一看守所出来时身上带的1680多元钱,也交给他们了,在里面我没有申请购买任何食品或其它物品;管我们的管教干部叫肖斌,401监室,里面用 犯人管理犯人,存在牢头狱霸现象,一个叫黄亚雄(中间的字记不清楚了,孝感人)制造一百多公斤冰沙(毒品),自言有关系,另有一更大罪行未承认,他作为第二号牢头,十分阴毒,与一号牢头及 两名帮凶经常吃用其他犯人账上的钱买的小灶菜。我刚进去时的牢头,孝感人,40多岁,名字忘记了,自言诈骗2900多万,后确认1700多万,死缓,言有 关系,下劳改队后会很快减刑出去…4.11日晚饭省厅,襄阳市国宝,随州市国宝带我父亲做保对我取保候审一年,说时间晚了财务下班了,未还我1680多元现金。当晚三方一起将我送回随州父母家交由当地派出所及村委会看守…




I am now out  .. All my belongings, including my identity card, passport, Two-Way Permit (a traveling permit to Hong Kong &Macau issued to mainland Chinese), bank card, cellphone, and computer were confiscated without any legal formalities. I was not allowed to go back to the place I rented in Beijing and therefore didn’t take anything with me. In the mountains in Beijing ,I have been moved to four different locations of confinement and was tortured with electric shock. Later I was detained in Beijing First Detention House for 12 days.When I was admitted, they ? assigned me the inmate number 2-2011-2 but didn’t give the detention house any information on my name or place of origin, saying that this was a confidential case. Then I was moved to Wuhan First Detention House where I obtained a guarantor pending trial for one year with my father as the guarantor. During this period , I will have to live with my parents and not leave Suizhou, Hubei province (place of origin). Also I am not allowed to contact other human rights activists in China or else my father might be prosecuted for criminal responsibility. I am placed under the surveillance of several village officials, Chinese Community Party members, and my neighbors. Village officials are required to report on me to the security police daily.


February 27th , 2011. 6:47 am. I got off the train Wuhan-Beijing at Beijingxi Railway Station and hadn’t had breakfast yet after the night-long travel. People across the country were flooding back to the capital city as it was 18th of the first lunar month( after Spring Festival). I’d intended to book a berth ticket on February 20th,but only managed to get one on February 26th. It was a few minutes to 7 am when I got off and the station was incredibly crowded. I could hardly see the North Entrance. I started down the stairs and noticed that a young man of medium height holding a camera was filming in my direction. He ran away quickly as I approached and I was certain that he was indeed filming me. I paused and tried several times to tweet but cell phone signal was weak. At the same time, I noticed a skinny guy in a blue down jacket was following me. He was about 1.7m tall with a beard. It was snowing slightly outside. I took a picture of this man but couldn’t post it on twitter. I saw him with the man who was filming me earlier. I then tried to post texts without pictures and thank God finally succeeded.

   Before taking the bus back to where I lived in Wudoukou, I phoned a friend who kept the spare key to my place and told him about my being followed by a stranger. At the time, I thought it was nothing serious. I thought these people only wanted to prevent me from going to Wangfujing, where protests had taken place a few days ago. I assured my friend everything was OK and arranged to meet him that afternoon.


  When I was waiting in line for the bus and was about to get on, a tall man on my left pushed me. I told him to stop and wait in the line like everybody else. Then a tall man on my right kept pulling me. Suddenly a gang of men appeared and dragged me out of the line. A lot of people watching were greatly surprised. I thought this gang were merely stopping me going to Wangfujing. So I told them not to drag and that I would go with them. When we walked near an SUV and a black car without number plate, they started hitting me on the face and someone took away my spectacles. I implored them to stop and at this point sill had no clue of what they were about to do to me. We walked on. Then one of them took off his shirt and cover my head with it, probably to prevent other passengers or pedestrians from taking my picture. The man grabbed my head and dragged me towards the car. I told him I would get in the car myself. But he smacked his whole body weight on my head barely before I got a leg in. We were both on the car floor. I said I would get in myself but the bunch of them still kept pushing me. I got in the backseat. The man started punching me on the eye and the mouth with his fists. I took hold of his fists and told him to stop. He said, “You motherfucker, I am so going to smash you.” and started punching me in the face again. At this point, a man who looked like the ringleader handcuffed my wrists on my back and put a black, double-layered hood over my head. The outer layer was cloth and the inner one plastic so that air could hardly get in. I was punched in the face again but not yet harmed in a serious way. I told the man who was hitting me, “ StopYou are killing me.” To this he replied, “That’s what I am gonna do.” and continued hitting. I stopped yelling and a few punches later he stopped his fist and began to take my bag off me. Since I was handcuffed they had to literally cut the strap off.


Then the car was started eastward and was soon on expressway or the third ring road for about an hour, during which time I sweated profusely and could hardly breath because of the hood around my head. The car stopped twice, probably at a gas station or a roadblock.
 The car eventually stopped and they let me out. They bent me over and led me up a flight of stairs before reaching a platform paved with purple tile or marble, possibly the ground before a hotel. I was led through a door, a hall, eleven steps and then twelve steps, very much like the experience Liu Shasha described when she was abducted at the east gate of Renmin University. Turning left, I was soon walked into a room. They hauled me in and tried to get me down on my knees. I refused at first but they started kicking all over my body. I couldn’t see their faces because of the hood , but I could make out the voice of the man who had attacked me in the car. They couldn’t force me down and one of them at this point ordered, “Hold him tight.” Grabbing my legs and my neck, one man tried to throw me on the floor and others kept pushing me down. When I was finally down, someone stepped on my calf and pulled at  my hair, my arms, and my clothes until I was in a kneeling position. My hood was then taken off and the man who’d pushed me on the ground kept slapping me on the face.
“You are fascists or what?” I yelled.
“How dare you son of a bitch say we are fascists?”he replied and slapped on.
Only a fascist could do what you are doing to me, I said.

He went on for some time before giving the order, “Throw him on the floor.”
He said, “I’ll give you a couple of hours to think. You’ll be so dead if you don’t confess. From now on, say “报告”(report) before you move even an inch.”
 I was lying on the floor. My hands were aching and swollen from the handcuff. Fifty days after this my left hand sill felt slightly insensible and had some excessive bone development (hyperosteogeny).
Two men were left to guard me. One of them kicked me and asked me to sit down but I refused. They were then replaced by another pair. I didn’t drink, go to the bathroom, or obey their order to sit. One of them told me, “Don’t waste your time resisting. No one who’s ever come here has been able to break the rules.”

  A couple hours later, a group of men came in and hauled me to a desk in the room. The man who attacked me in the car was wielding an electric baton. He put the baton vertically on the desk and asked me threateningly, “ Why do you come to Beijing?” I said I lived in Beijing and was merely coming back to where I lived. He asked again, “ Why do you come here?” I replied the same. He slapped the desk, shouting, his hand pointing to the floor, “You fucker! I am asking ,why the fuck do you come here?” He turned the strong flashlight of the baton to my face. I said, “ You mean me coming here to this place? Ask yourself!”
He shouted, “Press him down.” and shocked me in the forehead twice with the electric baton. He then squatted to my right side and shocked me twice on the right cheek. He saw I wasn’t responding and said, “You fucker is sure a tough nut to crack.” He might have turned up the voltage at this point. He shocked my cheek twice again and then my neck many times. It felt like thousands of hot-red steel needles were piercing my flesh. The shocks moved to my spine where I sensed violent jolts. He advanced to the left side of my neck where my skin was burnt with electric shock and almost couldn’t conduct electricity. As the electric current ran through me, I felt as if a scorching grill was tearing my face apart at the point of the baton.
Then he moved to my ears. At first the pain was limited to earlobes. But when the skin there went numb as well, he shoved the electric baton in my right ear several times. That half side of my face and brain sensed a harsh, stabbing pain, as if penetrated by countless flying needles. I worried my brain might be damaged so I kept shouting at the top of my lungs, hoping they might not want the hotel staff to hear me yelling and might therefore lessen the torture.

 The man who’d attacked me in the car was also the one administering electric shocks. He was dark, round-faced, stocky,and about 1.7m tall. I yelled even louder though he’d told me not to. He said to other gang members, “People can fucking hear us. We should find another place.” At this point several men walked in .One of them was a fat, dark guy about 1.9m tall, and looking a bit like the famous Hong Kong actor Sean Andy (刘青云). He might be Fu Guangwei(傅广伟), the security police officer Liu Shasha claimed to have kidnapped her. He gave an order to stop the electric shock and had me dragged to the middle of the room. He asked people to remove my handcuff and my clothes. They tried to yank off my jacket and sweater but I told them I would do it myself. Then I was asked to remove my undershirt, my jeans, and my underpants.
“All of them?I asked.
“Yes, go on. Take then all off !” He growled. In the end, I was only left with a pair of socks on.
 “Fu” (I could only assume his name here) had me hauled closer to him and asked, “What were you gonna do in Beijing today? What are you planning to do during Lianghui (两会,abbreviation for the annual meetings of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)?” I replied, “Nothing.” Then a man next to him was asked to slap my face. In his fifties, this man had a crew cut and was smoking a cigarette. He might have practiced martial arts before because his hands were so heavy. “Fu” asked me what I was coming to Beijing for. I said I taught martial arts here.
“You bastard. Teaching foreigners our martial arts so that they can use it to attack our government. You are a traitor to the Chinese people. You teach foreign people Qigong to prolong their lives so that they can destroy us.”he said.
I found his reasoning preposterous and ignored him.
He said again, “What’s your connection with Wei Shi? (Wei Shi is the founder of the US-based Chinese news website Boxun) Wei Shi has already told me everything. I could call him to come over here if you like. He despises you from the bottom of his heart.” I knew he was only trying to drive a wedge between us with his stupid lies. I kept my mouth shut and pretended to look at him with disbelief.
He continued with his rant, “ We are a powerful regime and you think we can’t get you? The iron fists of our government is gonna smash you to pieces. We don’t talk legal procedures here and my identity doesn’t matter. If you are handed to me, that means you are in serious trouble. And you are our class enemy. You fucking call yourself a civil rights activist? Look how miserable you are. You can’t even protect your own civil rights. You loser! People who don’t have freedom are the most powerless and lowly underclass. If revolution and democracy really came like you said, I would kill you all even in my last breath. You know where you are now? In the suburb of Beijing, in a villa. Nobody will be able to  find you. I’ll make sure you don’t sleep at night, have nightmares all night long, and can’t even get a moment’s rest in the daytime. If you don’t cooperate with us, I’ll cut your penis off. This’s only a suburb of Beijing. We can easily dig a hole and bury you. Power speaks louder than words. What kind of power do you have? A bunch of idiotic middle-aged women and a handful of twitter followers. That’s it? Who else do you have to back you upYour American or European patrons?

The man with a crew cut in his fifties, placed his smoking pipe under my nose and asked, “D’you know what this is?” The smoke was so choking that I had to step back, but someone behind gripped my scorched neck and pushed against me. The smoking pipe shifted down to my breast, “D’you know what this is?” At that moment, I thought he was going to burn me. But the menacing pipe stopped short at less than 1 centimeter from my skin. “Fu” asked me what I wanted to do in Beijing. I said, “Nothing apart from teaching martial arts.” The smoking pipe advanced a bit nearer but did not touch me after all. But during questioning, I was kicked and beaten up.

Half an hour later, “Fu” allowed me to put my clothes back on. When I was about to put on my sweater, they said there was no need since it wasn’t cold inside. They threw me my down jacket and said that was enough. “Fu” said, “Now, time to confess. Sit on the floor. Whenever someone comes in, stand up and say ‘ my honorable leader’ .” he left the room. Then two men came in, one of them round-faced, with a Henan Nanyang accent.( later I learned his office is in 801 while Du Kai, the man who had kidnapped me last time, has his office in 802. But I am not sure whether it is in the Ministry of Public Security or in the Public Security Bureau where the security police work.) The other was the man with cropped hair who had threatened me with a smoking pipe. They aked me what I was doing in Beijing. I said I had nothing to do with the Jasmin Protests. I came here to teach martial arts. He asked, “Why did you organize people on twitter to have dinner parties? You were the first person to do so.” I said they were all my friends and dinning together and chatting were simply part of ordinary social life. The cropped-haired man kept at kicking and hitting me. The younger interrogator continued , “Whose wing are you under? Why did you always go to places where things happened? What’s your connection with the news website Boxun? Why is China’s human rights information put up on that site?” I said I was under nobody’s control and I put those informations on Boxun because there is simply no room for them within the Great Fire Wall. They would have been deleted.

 The interrogation lasted for about an hour. These two men were then replaced by another two. About 2 hours, another two. In the end, “Fu” came in with a lanky guy in his 50s. He walked around me and said, “You are Liu Dejun, are you not? It’s me who had you arrestedduring last year’s Dragon Boat Festival.” I raised my head and stared in his eyes. He immediately wiped the  smirk off his face and was taken aback by my boldness, “You’ve long been on our list. Your pile of documents is as high as this.” He gestured with his hand, which was about 1.5m from the floor. He went on, “You have a natural soldier’s posture. If you were in the army, you could at least be a company commander.” he saw my contemptuous expression, “ I don’t fucking care about the Jasmin fucking Revolution. If you tell me who you are working for, the Americans or the Europeans, I could hire you to work for me.”
I replied sarcastically, “ I am not skilled enough for you line of work.”
He was even more surprised and took a look at his own body, “We don’t need skills in my line of work. You must think I am an illiterate brute. I am telling you, I got a fucking college degree. It’s dealing with ruffians like you that’s made me look unintelligent. For people like you, there is no such thing as legal procedures. You bet I could bury you alive, just like that. If you don’t cooperate, we can bypass the law, lock you up, and nobody could find you. See if you don’t become deranged ! If you cooperate, I could make you the headman of a bunch of prisoners provided that you haven’t become a lunatic by that time. Who do you think will come to your rescue? Your American buddies or European cronies? Or some crazy middle-aged bitch? Or your twitter followers?”


I didn’t say a word. In the end, he said, “I’ll give you some time to think it over. If you don’t confess everything, I will keep up the torture day after day after day. Every one of you bastards who’s come here keeps banging on some shit about upholding sanctity of the law. Utter bullshit. Don’t fucking talk law with me. We have our ways to tame you and we never fail. If you did successfully overthrow the regime and make a revolution, I would happily own up to what I’ve done. With so many witnesses, I wouldn’t be able to deny anyway. I am not like you cowards. You people can’t even protect yourselves. What makes you think you could defend other people’s rights? All you are capable of is waste our time to keep you here day and night.” He left after say these words.

“Fu”went out of the room with him but soon came back to warn me, “Listen, today you only had a taste of what we could do. From now on, we’ll repeat this again and again, day after day, and we’ll watch you suffer like hell.” I looked him in his eyes and said, “Alright.”
(conditions of the room: chemical fiber carpet with leaf-shape print, obvious marks on the floor after bed was removed, planks on the roof. The room is shaped  like an attic. Within the room, there is a smaller room about a dozen square meters)

   On the second day, the two men who’d interrogated me the day before came back. This time, the interrogation was accompanied by beating.
     “What kinds of people do you know?” They asked.
      “I know many people but almost none of them politically sensitive.” This was the answer I kept repeating to them.
      “Did Ai Weiwei give you your cellphone? Cos that’s what people on twitter say. ” they asked.  
       “Find out for yourselves. Everybody else knows the story.” I said.
       “Do you know Laohumiao (老虎庙 a writer), Wang Lihong (王荔蕻 a human rights activist”
       “Met them a few time, but don’t know them well.”
        “Have you been to lectures held by the Transition Forum?”
        “ Heard of but never been to.”
        “Do you know Zhang Dajun(张大军) and Guo Yushan(郭玉闪)?
         “Met them a few time, but don’t know them well.”I said.
         “Are you close with Ai Weiwei? How did you become his friend?”
       “I made his acquaintance when I was visiting one of his art exhibitions. I am not close with him at all.”
      “Then why he made a documentary film of you last year ?”
      “ During last year’s Dragon Boat Festival, I was kidnapped and taken to a mountain. Ai knew of my experience through twitter and he asked the security police officer who was in charge of him whether such thing could be true. The officer said this story couldn’t be true. Ai said he himself was almost beaten to death in Sichuan and asked why my story would be improbable. The officer said at least not possible in  Beijing. Ai Weiwei then decided to make a documentary film to present all the evidence and witness accounts.”
     “Do you know Liu Anjun (刘安军,activistwell?”they asked.
     “Not very well.”
      “Do you know Teng Biao ( 滕彪, lawyer and activist) ?”
     “I met him once in a Chuangzhixing lecture ( ) but don’t know him well.”
      “What other activists are you in connection with, both in and out of China?” I said none. The beating went on with the interrogation. They denigrated other activists’ characters and told me these activists despised me, which I knew was crap and ignored.

This kept on going for the next few days. They wanted me to admit that I’d called on others online to join the Jasmine Protests. I asked them to show me the evidence. They couldn’t. They kept beating me up and threatened me with my family. I said I might have posted a tweet but I wouldn’t say it was a call for revolution. I simply asked people to pick wild flowers as a gift for the police on the streets . The young man with a crew cut was visibly excited by this information. Slapping the table, he shouted, “Ha! You fucking said you didn’t call on others to join the Jasmine Protests?” He couldn’t reach me from where he sat so he walked around the table to come at me. The other man also joined the beating. They didn’t resume their seats until they got tired from such exertion. I said giving the police wild flowers was to show them love because there’d been much conflict and hatred between the police and the people. Before I finished my sentence, the younger man jumped up in a rage, “What conflict with the people bullshit!” They came at me again. The older man asked about my family’s class background. I said the landlord class as they must have known. He accused me of harboring a sinister hatred for the communist party and wanting to revenge because my landowning family’s fortune and properties had been taken away during  political movements  decades ago. I said it wasn’t true. They kept at asking my intentions of posting that tweet. I kept replying it was simply a call for more love and less hatred. They run through my printed files but couldn’t find that online record. I said maybe I didn’t post that tweet and believe it or not I couldn’t remember.
They asked who I was often in touch with, what kinds of people came to dinner parties among twitter followers, who paid the bills, and what I wanted to do in Beijing. I told them I loved being alone and wasn’t in touch with anybody most of the time. Dinners organized among twitter friends were open to anybody who wanted to come and every one had to pay their share of the meal. I came to Beijing to pack my things and end my apartment’s lease. My parents wanted me to come back to my hometown Wuhan, get married, and do some proper small business. The interrogators said if I cooperated with them they would let me get on with my life and even help me make big money. I said I was used to being by myself and wouldn’t involve other people in this. They threatened to jail my sister whose baby was only five-month-old for a couple of years for harboring a criminal ( ie,me). I knew they were only bluffing. They said they would harass my sister’s family every night. I was afraid they would harm her baby.

I knew they were after my computer because a couple days before,the police saw it when they were ostensibly checking my household register. I said I could call my sister and ask her to hand in my computer as long as they didn’t harm the baby. They said, “Get her to deliver your computer to Beijing.” I told them it was impossible and to get the computer themselves. My sister worked for a foreign company and I warned them her boss might turn to the Embassy if they did anything outrageous to her. ( In the first day of my interrogation, they asked me whether I shared my apartment with any foreigners.)

They dropped the question and instead asked  about my going to Qian Yuanhui’s ( 钱云会,  and protesting for Deng Yujiao (邓玉娇, The asked where my camera and pendrive came from. I said I bought them myself. They asked about the Yihuang self-immolation incident ( I said I didn’t participate. They asked why I went to Hong Kong, how come I could afford it, why I didn’t pay my taxes, and why I was at Szeto Wah’s funeral (司徒华, They accused me of being funded for political activities and going to Hong Kong to get my money. I retorted that I went to Hong Kong merely for sightseeing. I could pay the trip because I taught foreigners martial arts as my source of income. I didn’t pay taxes because I didn’t earn enough to be qualified as a taxpayer. And I went to Szeto Wah’s funeral by shear coincidence.

 On March 2nd or 3rd morning, a stodgy man in his forties came in with the the young man with a crew cut. This stodgy guy was about 1.7m tall, carrying a laptop bag. “Do you remember me?”he asked. I watched him for some time but couldn’t remember, and I asked him where and when we’d met before. He replied it was at a police station in Xie Jiekou (in Beijing) in 2008. But I said it was impossible because I wasn’t in Beijing the whole year of 2008. He then changed the subject and said he was a technician and only came here to discuss technical problems with me. He was trying to sound sincere. The young man with a crew went out to get us some water and I was left alone with the technician guy. I asked him whether he was from the Ministry of Public Security or the Ministry of State Security. He didn’t answer my question and repeated that he was only a technician working for these people. He noticed a large patch of skin on my face was scorched and had already already turned black, and there was lot of huge blisters on my face. And the ones on my nape burst due to constant rubbing with my collar. I was only allowed to sit, but not squat or stand, mere 6 hours of sleep, no breakfast, only steamed bread and salted vegetables for lunch and dinner. And I became terribly weak. I told him they tortured me with electric shock. “Fascists.”he said. I said these people were worse than fascists. At least those Germans didn’t torture the Jews in such a degrading way before they kill them. He advised me not to eat salted vegetables because they’d make me thirsty all the time. At this point, the young man with a crew cut came back into the room. I asked the technician guy whether he was a cop. He admitted he indeed was a police office from the Ministry of Public Security,  but added that his work was on technical stuff. The day before he was ordered to have a chat with me. He then said if I really wanted to get married and start a business he could release me on the conditions that I “behave” myself. I gave him a suspicious glance and knew they wouldn’t let me out when I still had such prominent injury marks on my face. He asked who I thought might be the instigators of the Jasmine Protests, rights activists, people connected with Boxun news websites, or overseas activists. I said before they kidnapped me I’d read on twitter that it might be some young white-collar workers in China. I think it very possible since these people tend to be more liberal and have a broader horizon because of their access to more information. He asked me whether I knew a man called Liu Gang. I said I didn’t. He said this Liu Gang wrote an article saying that Wen Jiabao had had Hu Jintao under control and Liu called on the people to join the revolution. I said there was no way such a thing would occur considering how the Politburo Standing Committee was operated. He asked my opinion on the conditions for a successful revolutions in the current situation. I told him I believed a revolution in China needed a Chinese Gorbachev. He said the central government was gradually reforming but the time was not yet ripe. I asked him why we can’t implement grassroots elections based on our election laws. He thought for a long time before replying with “We don’t have enough money to control everything yet”, which exposed their true colors entirely. They wanted to control everything with money, even to corrupt and manipulate the whole world.

He asked about my relations with many people, including Wang Keqin, Zhang Dajun, Guo Yushan, Ai
Weiwei, Lao Humiao, Wang Lihong, Liu Anjun (王克勤,张大军,郭玉闪,艾未未,老虎庙,王荔蕻,刘安军).
    He asked me whether I knew Wei Shi’s real name. I said no. He told me it was ### and said Boxun news website was funded by CIA. He carefully observed my facial expression when dishing out this information. I’d never heard of such thing before and always thought Boxun was funded by donations. But before I said anything we were interrupted by someone saying it was time for dinner. He asked me again to cooperate and promised to offer me financial rewards. But I told him I had nothing to hide and would never tell  ...

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